Here at my home we have been busy. Sunday was my first sermon I had heard from my pastor in about a month. Not that I wasn't there but for the past 5 weeks I have been in Children's Church so I hadn't heard a sermon in a while. But I was sitting there listening and realized something about myself. He was saying that in the book of Mark there was a man possesed by demons but he went to church every Sunday. He would go and listen to them teach and he would leave the same way he came still possesed. Until one day a Man walked into the temple the teach and preach as one with authority. The demons in that man asked Him if He had come to torment them. That Man told those demons to be quiet and get out. My pastor said that is like today. We have let the devil in our home and are allowing him to take over our children and spouses and we are not doing anything about it. It is time we take authority in our homes and in our families and say "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord".
That got me to thinking about something else. I have come to realize that I am a hypocrite. I expect my children to obey me when I ask something of them. But, when God asks something of me, I don't always do what He asks. After all He is my heavenly Father. I should obey Him as much or more than I would want my own children to obey me. As the mother and wife of the home I must set the example. My children look up to me and see what I do and that gives them an example of how I want things to go. God wants all of us not just bits and pieces that we decide we can give up. To know God, I mean really know Him we must communicate with Him daily and read His word. I have 3 bibles and there are those in China who want one desperately but if they are found with one they go to prison. I have 3 and don't read them as much as someone over in China would read one if they could just have one without going to prison for it. There are things that we Christains take for granted. I am now on a new path. I will follow the Lord's leading for my life in ALL things. I will not be petty and spitefull with people. I have decided that no matter what I have a reason to smile and that reason is simple. GOD LOVES ME and FORGAVE ME when I didn't deserve it at all. There is only one thing He asks for in return and that is all of me. That is what I intend to give Him. So, I encourage you to read your bible and pray everyday not just for big stuff but for the little things, not just asking for things but also just to say "Thank You".
A lesson from a tomato plant?
6 years ago