I realize that it has been several days since my last blog. I am sorry for that. I would just like to let you know what has been going on. Nothing big and major has happened. Praise the Lord! Today will make my 7th day straight at work. Don't get me wrong I like my job. But no matter how much I like it, it just feels soooo good to stay at home on your day off.
Well, Yesterday was Sunday and it was supposed to be my day off after 5 days. I was looking forward to it. Despite the fact that I wasn't really going to have the Full day off because I help my husband on Sunday mornings at 2:30am, but after church I would be at home for the rest of the evening. Ahhhh! :o) Sadly, that didn't happen. I got a call about 3:30 yesterday afternoon asking if I could come in at 7 and work till 10 or I could close the place down at 9. I foolishly said okay but because of a meeting that started at 6 at church I wouldn't be able to be there until 7:15. They said Great! So, 7:15 comes and I am at work on a SUNDAY! I am not happy with myself or the people there. The guy that was working until I got there had the place in such a mess I didn't actually leave until 10:20pm. Now remember I have been up since 2:30am. I was tired, frustrated and it showed on my face. Now, another thing is that I will have OVER 40 hours this week and they HATE anyone getting over time. Nothing I can do about that right. So, they said that I could keep it or I could take it off sometime between now and Thursday. With any luck Thursday is my next day off. I realized that no matter how tired I am or frustrated I am with my job or the people there it is still my duty to show the Love of God to each person that I come in contact with. It has never hit me so hard as it did last night when I got home and was soooo tired that I literally collapsed on the bed from exhaustion. I feel like I have missed so much this week at my home and there is really nothing I can do about it. I know that my family sees God's love in the little things but the people of the world don't even see it in the big things. Like just watching a tree sway in the wind. That is why we as Christians are here. To help those that need it the most. Like I said this is just a little insight that I have begun to realize after yesterday.