Monday, December 18, 2006


It is Christmas time again. At first I was not happy or excited about it. My grandmother died in July of this year. She was the only grandparent I had left and she was the one that me and my sisters were the closest to. But now, I am totally looking forward to it. I can't wait to see my kids faces when they open their presents. It is going to be a great day. Not just because of the presents and fun but because the greatest gift of all was given to all. I love Christmas. I hope and pray that everyone has a great Christmas this year and every year to come.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Holiday Traditions

My family and I did something today that we have never done before. We actually had the money this year to bless others with a good Christmas. My husband and I felt lead by the Lord to bless a family that we used to go to church with. It was such a wonderful feeling. We have helped others before but this was a little different. I don't know why this was different it just was. We went shopping and we picked out the gifts that we wanted to give and then brought them home and wrapped them all and then took them and dropped them off on their front porch. We had a great time, our kids too. I hope to continue the tadition each year and praying that the Lord will give us the name of the family that He wants to bless that year. My challenge to you is to pray through this next year and see how the Lord wants to use you that year to bless others.

Friday, December 15, 2006


I was just thinking about stress. Such a little word to cause sooo much trouble. I am also realizing why it is important for moms to be home all the time. My children went to stay the night with their aunt last night so my husband and I had the whole house to ourselves. The thing is we were too exhausted from working for the day that we went straight to bed. LOL I never realized just how important it is to talk to your spouse about your day until you don't. Anyway, I went to work this morning at 6 am and was busily doing my job when I got a phone call. Which made my whole world come to a screeching halt for 1/2 an hour. My husband was calling to tell me that my son's school was trying to get ahold of us because he was sick and we needed to come and get him. Wow! I felt so bad because when your kids are sick you just want to be there with them and make them feel better. Well, I couldn't do that and that bugged me badly. I was calling everyone I could think of to go and pick him up from school because when I told me boss that my son's school called and needed someone to go and get him she looked like she was ready to blow a gasket or something. Which didn't help my world any. The first thing out of her mouth was "Can you get someone to go and get him?". Finding someone to go and pick up YOUR kid is not that easy. I mean he is MY kid I should be going to take care of him, right? Well, the first person I called of course was my mother. I didn't want to call the aunt that they spent the night with because she has her job that she has to go to and I feel like I use her too much as it is. So, I called my mom. My mom lives about 15 minutes away and she was not dressed for the day and things like that so it would have been an hour before she could get him. Wow, never thought I would hear the words "I really can't help today sweetie" coming from her. But she was helpful in reminding me that my brother-in-law was currently unemployed and would probably go and get him. Well, by this time I had been dealing with this for about 10 minutes and my boss was not pleased. You could see it in her eyes. So, I hung up with my mom and called my brother-in-law. He said yes he would go and pick him up and take him to his house so my sister could watch him for me till I got off work. I was so relieved but the story doesn't end there. I remembered that my brother-in-law was not on my son's pick up list. So, I had to call the school and let them know who was going to be picking him up and why. They said okay no problem as long as he has his ID. So, then I call my brother-in-law back and tell him what the school said and so off he went. Wow, busy morning right. By the time I got off the phone and all was settled it had been a 1/2 an hour. My boss still not happy. Asked if I needed to leave? I told her no and she said "good". Hello, a store that claims they are family oriented sure didn't seem like it this morning.
Anyway, all that to say that "Stress it's a killer". My pastor was talking about stress on Wenesday night and so I am trying to relieve all stress from my life. That is hard to do. Really hard. I have two young kids and stress just seems to follow me around. If anyone knows a good stress reliever now would be a good time to share.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


I was lookinb back at my last blog and read the last line that states something like all things work together for good. Well, my husband asked me this morning to pray for him so I have been all day. He is worried about somethings that I really don't think he should worry about. I was in the living room helping the kids get ready for school and silently praying and a verse came to me. "All things work together for good, to them that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose." That verse was pressing on me so I went in the bedroom to talk to my husband and that is what I told him. That is what I felt like I should say to him at that time. Whatever happens is out of our hands but God knows and He will provide because He says so in Hi word. Faith the grain of a mustard seed can move mountains. I am believing God and standing on His word. Everything will be fine.

Thursday, December 07, 2006


I don't want to bother anyone who reads this but I have one thing to ask. Please be in prayer for me. I don't usually ask for prayer for myself because that just seems selfish in my way of thinking. I am not telling what the specific need is right now, because if family memebers read this I don't want them to call with their advice. I want God's advice. My family is very important to me and I don't want to hurt any of them at all but we are human, flesh and bone, and we make mistakes. We make decisions based on emotions and feelings. If we are feeling strong and upbeat then we answer one way but at the end of the day if asked the same question our answer will be different. Starting today I am starting a prayer journal. I am going to write down all my cares, concerns, prayer needs things like this in this book and everyday prayer for each one of them specifically and watch how God works in each and everyone of them. I know without a shadow of a doubt that this is not where God wants me to be in my Christian walk. I am changing and growing more each day, but again I am human. I fail and fall and make mistakes but with His help and guidance all will work together for good.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Eye Openers

Well, I have always heard that by not going to church and by not reading the word of God that you are giving a foot hold to the devil. I can't say that I never believed that but wasn't sure if those 2 little things could cause so much trouble. Well, I was wrong! My family and I have missed 3 weeks of church and the last time that I really sat down to read and study the word was at least that long. Things are changing in my world and not really sure if they are good. Some of them are bad. I know now that I need to watch everything I say. I may not think it is bad but to hear it come from my kids sounds terrible. I am not talking about cursing and that sort of thing. But just a lot of negative things. Does God feel the same way? We are all God's children created in His image. Would He or Does He enjoy listening to us say those things? If I don't like hearing it come from my kids why would He like hearing it come from us? I am 29 years old. I don't think I am that old but I don't want to become so set in my ways now that I can't change them. Lord, Help me to change. Keep me in your will. So me your ways. I want to be just like you in all that I do and say. Amen.