Well, it has been a while since I have written. My days seem to run together all the time. Well, on to today message. Have you ever been in a room with about 18 5 year olds? Well, if you haven't let me fill you in. The day starts out rough because if it is not your class then the students think it is a fun day. So they are loud and really rowdy. Not only that but they try you all day long. Our teacher lets us do this or when we get done she says that we can have free play. It is such a joy. Don't get me wrong. I love kids. I really like being a teacher, but somedays are worse than others. I don't know which is worse having a migrain the size of Texas or having a classroom full of 5 year olds. I think I would rather work with 8 year olds. They will at least follow some insturctions that are given to them. I have one more day with these five year oldsso I am going to need all the help I can get. Please pray for me.
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