Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Well, I was just sitting here thinking about the fault line in California. The fault line is underground and ugly. Kind of like our faults. We try to hide them because we don't want anyone to see them. They are ugly. When people point out our faults it hurts. It is the same way with God. It hurts when He tells us or points out to us where we could use some improvment. All, I can say to you is that no matter what happens just keep trying.

Saturday, April 08, 2006


I realized the other day that God does still speak to His people. The problem is His people want a quick fix and are not really listening to the answer. Elijah was seeking God but He was not in the Earthquake or the fire but in the still small voice. And the question God asked him was "What are you doing here?" What are we really doing here? Are we listening to God? The children of Israel moved when God moved. A cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. Sometimes I think God has left us while we still haven't moved. Something else I am wondering about. If God has moved and left us behind, how can we find where He has moved to? I don't believe He is up there waiting on us. When He moves either we move with Him or He goes on ahead while we try and play catch up. I don't know about you but I hate to play catch up. I always feel like I am never going to get there at that point. Do we really need to see the earthquake and the fire before we stop and listen to the still small voice of God? I believe that if we pray and really seek God's face then He will direct us in the way we should go. So I encourage you to continue praying and seeking Him in all that you do. Don't just do it because it feels right.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Keep Smiling

I have realized that no matter what happens if I just keep smiling things don't seem so bad. So, I was wondering, how do you know you are going to the church that God wants you to go to? I have been going over this in my mind for a few days and still haven't come up with an answer. The only thing I can come up with is to continue to pray and ask for guidance. I will continue to keep smiling and having a good day no matter what happens. I am here to just tell you to continue to keep smiling no matter what happens.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Not everything is roses

Have you ever really looked at your life? Have you ever thought about all the things that you could have done or could have said? I have. I was sitting here this morning thinking about the direction my life is going right now. It isn't going far. I don't have a job, my church family unknowingly hurts me. I just don't get it. What have I done that God would guide me this far and when I need Him the most it doesn't seem like He is there.

Sunday, April 02, 2006

The Greatest thing

I would just like to let you know about the Greatest thing in my life. Don't get me wrong, my family is tops in my life but the greatest thing in my life is the relationship I have with my Heavenly Father. He is the best friend that I never had. I am trying to instill in the children that I teach at church that the greatest thing in their lives is the relationship that they have with God. There are many challenges in my life that are there to keep me in line. But there are also challenges to teach me things. Right now I am being challenged and I am not sure if it is a teaching tool or a "hey you are going the wrong way" kind of thing. One question for you. Have you had any challenges that are not teaching you something or getting you back in line?

Saturday, April 01, 2006

The Perfect Evening

Ladies, have you ever had the perfect evening with your spouse? I did :o) First off let me explain something. I have the greatest sister-in-law in the world. I could not have asked for a better one. Not just for the things that she has done for us over the years but she has a great spirit. Sometimes I think she loves too much. She is a great woman of God and I know that if I asked her anything that she would possibly have the answer and if not she would know where to find it. I usually don't call her my sister-in-law because that just doesn't cover it. She is my sister and my best friend. Anyway, sorry I went off on a little rabbit trail there. :o)

Back to the perfect evening. My sister kept our children last night for us. You just don't realize what a BLESSING that was. I was a substitute teacher the last three days of this week so my nerves were frazzled. I just needed a little time to recoup. My wonderful husband and I went out to eat last night. Not anywhere fancy or anything. We sat in the restaurant for at least an hour talking and having fun telling tales about our day. Then we came home. I had just bought a new cd so I brought that inside and we danced just about all evening right here in our living room. It was wonderful. I will never forget last night.

Thank you God for the wonderful people that you have placed in my life. I exist because you allow me too. I thank you everyday for the chance to serve you one more day. Amen