Saturday, April 08, 2006


I realized the other day that God does still speak to His people. The problem is His people want a quick fix and are not really listening to the answer. Elijah was seeking God but He was not in the Earthquake or the fire but in the still small voice. And the question God asked him was "What are you doing here?" What are we really doing here? Are we listening to God? The children of Israel moved when God moved. A cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. Sometimes I think God has left us while we still haven't moved. Something else I am wondering about. If God has moved and left us behind, how can we find where He has moved to? I don't believe He is up there waiting on us. When He moves either we move with Him or He goes on ahead while we try and play catch up. I don't know about you but I hate to play catch up. I always feel like I am never going to get there at that point. Do we really need to see the earthquake and the fire before we stop and listen to the still small voice of God? I believe that if we pray and really seek God's face then He will direct us in the way we should go. So I encourage you to continue praying and seeking Him in all that you do. Don't just do it because it feels right.

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