Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I had to work today at 6 am and was running a tad bit late. I have to leave my house no later than 5:45 so that I have enough time to get there just in case of car problems or I happen to hit every light in town on my way. Don't act like you don't know what I am talking about. We all dislike those street lights and their timing. Anyway, back to what I was talking about. I didn't feel rushed or anything I was just behind. So, while I was at work I was doing dishes and just started to sing. I was singing "How great thou art". It's an old hymn but a very good one. I didn't even realize what I was doing until one customer heard me and said something about it. It was like I was in my own little world and no one was there but me and God and I was singing to Him. It wasn't like an audition or anything it was just me singing to my creator about how great He is. I seemed to have a much better day after that. It is amazing to see what having a song in your heart will do for you.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Things the Lord detests

I was reading in Proverbs this morning. I really don't know why unless it was to find this one particular passage. I know that God hates sin. But I never realized that there are 7 yes that is what I said 7 things that the Lord detests.
1. haughty eyes
2. lying tongue
3. hands that kill the innocent
4. a heart that plots evil
5. feet that race to do wrong
6. a false witness who pours out lies
7. a person who sows discord among brothers

this is found in Proverbs 6:16-19

Wow! I don't think I ever really knew that. Don't get me wrong. I have read that passage before but it never really sunk in I guess. How much do we really know about the One who saved us? Can you really say that "Yes, I know God" and truely mean it. I can say that I know God. Because in a sense I do. I know that Jesus was born of a virgin, dyed a horrible death on a wooden cross, was placed in a tomb and rose again on the 3rd day. When He left to sit on the right hand of God the Father He sent the Holy Spirit as a comforter to help us and guide us. But is that all we know about the Maker of Heaven and Earth. The One who died for us so that we might live. I want to know more. I have to know more. I have this yearning to know more. Don't let your fire go out. Dont' be satisfied with the little bit that you do have. It is okay to want more of God. I do!

Monday, February 19, 2007


I have decided that no matter what there is sin in my life and all around me. I look at myself in the mirror and HATE what I see. I don't hate myself but the sin that is in me and around me. Lord help me. Cleanse me and make me whole again. I have slipped away from you in so many areas of my life that I can't feel you anymore and I don't hear your voice speaking to me. I am lost without you. Hear my feeble pleas oh Lord. Quench not your Holy Spirit from me. I am hlepless on my own. You know my thoughts and you see my heart. Keep me in your loving care.