Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I had to work today at 6 am and was running a tad bit late. I have to leave my house no later than 5:45 so that I have enough time to get there just in case of car problems or I happen to hit every light in town on my way. Don't act like you don't know what I am talking about. We all dislike those street lights and their timing. Anyway, back to what I was talking about. I didn't feel rushed or anything I was just behind. So, while I was at work I was doing dishes and just started to sing. I was singing "How great thou art". It's an old hymn but a very good one. I didn't even realize what I was doing until one customer heard me and said something about it. It was like I was in my own little world and no one was there but me and God and I was singing to Him. It wasn't like an audition or anything it was just me singing to my creator about how great He is. I seemed to have a much better day after that. It is amazing to see what having a song in your heart will do for you.

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