I think I worried my husband yesterday. Yesterday was my day off and so that is what I chose to do was to actually have a day OFF. I went and did my workout like normal and went and visited an old friend. It started off a normal everyday kind of day for me. Then I decided that I wanted to do NOTHING. And for me, my days off are usually spent cleaning the house and getting things ready like laundry for the week. That sort of thing. But not yesterday. I actually took the day off. My husband and I went and picked up the kids and then we all went grocery shopping. And if you have two small children, you know that them and the grocery store really don't mix well. Every aisle you go down you hear "Mom can we have" "Mom can we buy". I really hate to tell my kids no. I want them to have things they want but sometimes you have to say no. And during the whole grocery trip it felt like I was saying no every 2 minutes. I was really starting to hate hearing that word come out of my mouth. Well, the trip finally ended and we came home. After several minutes of me putting away the groceries and one kid runing in and out of the house and the other asking questions about homework I finally sat down. I sat down and put my feet up and took out my note pad and began to write. Nothing particularly interesting but just a few question that were floating in my head.
1. What do I like about myself?
2. What do I not like about myself?
3. What can I do to change what I don't like?
4. How much time each day does God get from me?
5. How much time each day does my husband and kids get from me?
6. Have I lost my "kid at heart" status?
7. If yes, then When did I lose it?
Those are just some of the questions. After I wrote them all day I just sat there thinking about each one. The kids were outside in the backyard playing with friends so it was very quiet in the house. I love the peace and quiet of my home. While sitting there not coming up with any answers to those questions I realized that I was doing exactly what God wanted me to do at that time. There was this sense of peace about me and just sitting there for one hour gave me rest. A rest that felt like nothing before. I am thankful for a God that can show you peace and comfort in times when you didn't even know you needed it.
A lesson from a tomato plant?
6 years ago
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