Monday, March 16, 2009


I put a quote in my post last week that I have been pondering. The past 3 weeks or so at work everyone has been sick. I work at a daycare and my husband calls it a germ factory. Well, I went to the doctor last thursday because I was not feeling well at all. Come to find out that my White Blood Cell Count is too low so my body is not fighting off any infections that I may come in contact with. This has resulted in me feeling run down and just plain blah! I am getting better but it is a slow process. I think I did too much on Saturday though because I was completely zapped of energy. Through this whole mess of being sick and run down I have felt this peace about it all. There is a massive storm raging all around me of people being sick but I am peaceful. I am not worried about what the test may say this week. I know that God has me in His hands and He is in control of the situation. It is good to feel this way. Sometimes I take that for granted. I am always running around trying to fix things. Sometimes I just need to stop and say "Ok God, it is yours." He always seems to do a better job of it than I ever could. Makes you stand in wonder and amazement at how mighty and awesome He really is.

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