Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I have not been myself here lately. That in itself is driving me and everyone around me crazy. I really am unhappy. I don't think it is depression, but how would I know. Everyone who is depressed always says they aren't. I probably wouldn't notice even if it bit me in the behind. I am MAD!!! I know that for certain. There are things going on in my head and I don't feel like I can discuss them with any of the people around me. They just keep saying we need to wait, be patient. I am TIRED of being patient. I am TIRED of waiting. I know that God's timing is never ours but you would think that He moved us for a reason at that particular time for something. But I have yet to find out what that something is. I guess you could say that this blog posting is nothing but a rant! And that is ok. Sometimes you just need to get somethings off your chest. Well, I still haven't done that yet but I don't feel like I would be accomplishing anything by doing that. So I guess I will leave it at this for now.

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