Monday, April 16, 2007


How do you know when you are growing? Will it actually be painful? When I was younger I always heard my mother saying you are just having "growing pains". Are those true? And if they are is your spiritual growth going to be painful as well? I know that there are somethings that you must go through but does it all have to hurt? How do you know if the pain you are feeling is from growth or just something stupid that you have done that you shouldn't have? Lots and lots of questions. I was always told there is no such thing as a stupid question. I am hoping that one of these didn't break that rule. LOL :o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Growing pains are very much a real physical pain. They are caused by short growth spurts and usually between the ages of 10-17--sometimes all the way to age 20. We are all different and experience growth at our own pace. These "growing pains" are usually experienced during puberty--the physical time of becoming an adult.
I think that we would experience spritual "growing pains" as well. Possibly we see that we are getting ourself ready to enter into a deeper experience with the Lord. Sometimes these spiritual "growth sprirts" coincide with changes that have come about in our lives--that we are forced into by necessity--not by choice. How we learn to handle these changes and accept them sometimes can indeed be very painful.
I speak from experience--as I am going through a "growth spirt" of my own. I fully intend to come out of this no longer drinking the milk that God has so graciously provided, but devouring the meat of his word!
My prayers are with you!!!