Tuesday, March 17, 2009

More thoughts to Ponder

Tell me, how can I How can I love Jesus when I've never seen His face? Yet I see you dying and I turn and walk away.

This is an excerpt from one of my favorite songs. The song is called "Lean on Me" by Christal Lewis.

I never really listened before but after I heard it today I got to thinking how often do we as Christians do that. Or proclaim to Love God with all that is within us but our neighbor who is just lonely but seems very unfriendly we don't even say "Hi" to when we see them outside. I admit I am guilty. What would God say to me about this matter? I believe God speaks to each one of us in a unique and special way. Something He says to me doesn't nesscarily mean He wants me to tell others to do the same thing. But I do believe that He wants the same from all of us and that is to Love Him and show His love to others. That is my goal.

Monday, March 16, 2009


I put a quote in my post last week that I have been pondering. The past 3 weeks or so at work everyone has been sick. I work at a daycare and my husband calls it a germ factory. Well, I went to the doctor last thursday because I was not feeling well at all. Come to find out that my White Blood Cell Count is too low so my body is not fighting off any infections that I may come in contact with. This has resulted in me feeling run down and just plain blah! I am getting better but it is a slow process. I think I did too much on Saturday though because I was completely zapped of energy. Through this whole mess of being sick and run down I have felt this peace about it all. There is a massive storm raging all around me of people being sick but I am peaceful. I am not worried about what the test may say this week. I know that God has me in His hands and He is in control of the situation. It is good to feel this way. Sometimes I take that for granted. I am always running around trying to fix things. Sometimes I just need to stop and say "Ok God, it is yours." He always seems to do a better job of it than I ever could. Makes you stand in wonder and amazement at how mighty and awesome He really is.

Monday, March 09, 2009


I was reading a post today and came across this. I thought it was good so I thought I would share it.

Sometimes God calms the storm ... Sometimes He lets the storm rage and calms the child.
Author Unknown