Thursday, December 07, 2006


I don't want to bother anyone who reads this but I have one thing to ask. Please be in prayer for me. I don't usually ask for prayer for myself because that just seems selfish in my way of thinking. I am not telling what the specific need is right now, because if family memebers read this I don't want them to call with their advice. I want God's advice. My family is very important to me and I don't want to hurt any of them at all but we are human, flesh and bone, and we make mistakes. We make decisions based on emotions and feelings. If we are feeling strong and upbeat then we answer one way but at the end of the day if asked the same question our answer will be different. Starting today I am starting a prayer journal. I am going to write down all my cares, concerns, prayer needs things like this in this book and everyday prayer for each one of them specifically and watch how God works in each and everyone of them. I know without a shadow of a doubt that this is not where God wants me to be in my Christian walk. I am changing and growing more each day, but again I am human. I fail and fall and make mistakes but with His help and guidance all will work together for good.

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