Thursday, April 12, 2007

Being Angry

When my husband and I first meet 10 years ago. There were a few people who thought that we should not be together. Well, my boyfriend at the time (which is now my husband) decided that he had gotten his confirmation from God and we got married without the consent of two people who I thought were the most important people to him. Well, one person came to the wedding and the other didn't. To me that was selfish and just down right spiteful. I have held my peace for 10 years and it has come to me that I am angry. It has taken me 10 years to figure that out. I AM ANGRY! I AM ANGRY! Why would someone who says they love you and only wants what is best for you simply turn his back on you? Which is what "John" did to my husband. I have been reading my sister-in-laws blog and she has been talking about "perfect love". I don't have that and I am not sure that "John" has it either. And because I said that my sis-in-law will probably be writing me an email. :o) And that's ok. But I have been reading about David and he was angry. David was a man after God's own Heart. If he can be angry why can't I. I can be angry and sin not. I have been nothing but kind to "John" these past 10 years and I will remain that way. But I am still angry with him for what he has done to my husband. He hasn't said he was sorry or that He was wrong. "Jane" on the other hand has said that she was wrong and that I have been very good for my husband and for that I am not angry with her. I hold no resentment towards her. I love her with all my heart and pray for her daily. I want only good things for her. And if that means praying for "John" then I will. "Perfect Love", I believe, takes time. I am praying for that Love so that I can let go of this anger. I know that one day I will be able to let go, and love those who despise me, but it will take a while.

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