Thursday, September 28, 2006

A Magnificent Creator

I was watching a movie called "Twister" this evening. I was amazed when they got to the part were they were tied to the pipes at that farm to try to keep from being blown away by the tornado. I never really thought of it before because it was just a movie for entertainment purposes. Well, when it got to that part this evening I was amazed that I never thought about this before. When they were in the middle of that tornado they looked up and you could see the middle of the storm. I was watching and began to cry and praise God for being a magnificent creator. I can't explain it really. It was just a wonderful site to see that the God that created little old insignificant me also made a storm so grand in size with a distructive pattern about it and yet it is still beautiful. I know some people like that. They are the meanest looking people but on the inside I know there is some good in them. Because as the popular kids shirt says "God don't make no Junk". :o) Since Sunday night September 24, 2006, I have had this peace about me. I don't know why. I don't think our circumstances have changed really. I just feel like a big heavy burden has been lifted and again I am seeing the beauty of God all around me. It is a wonderful feeling. Have a great day, and look around you, you never know what might cause you to smile.

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