Monday, October 30, 2006

Two Questions

I went to a women's meeting last night and was asked two questions. So, I thought that I would share these questions with you. Where are you in the Lord and are you where you want to be? What is your heart's desire? I know that I am not where I want to be in the Lord but I am so much closer to Him now than ever before. And right now I just want more. How about you?

Friday, October 20, 2006

Is Christ the Theme of your Ministry

2 Corinthians 4:3

If our gospel is hidden, then it is hidden from them that are lost. There are people lost and dying in this world and our ministry is to seek them out and preach them the gospel of Christ so they too can have eternal life. If Christ is the light of the world and Christ lives in us then we are His light to those that are in darkness. With God's help I will not procrastinate any longer. I will not hide the gospel from those that are lost.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Thirst for God

Psalm 63 talks about thristing for God. Have you ever been very thirsty? I mean so thirsty that no matter what you drink of how much you just can't quench your thirst. I have and I can tell you that it is no fun at all. Did you know that you can thirst for God in the same manner? No matter how much of God's spirit you get you just can't seem to get enough. I am currently that way. I can't seem to get enough. I just want more and more. God, please grant me my request. I want more of you, and nothing else.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Just Thinking

I was driving my kids to school this morning and was listening to the new cd that my husband bought. I was thinking about something a pastor at our church said on Sunday. He said, "Imagine if Jesus were sitting there in the room with you. You wouldn't just be worrying about what you are doing on the outside or what you are watching, but you should be having pure thoughts as well." How calm and peaceful would your spirit be? I am trying with God's help to be that peaceful and calm all the time. People are wanting to actually be around me now. Not that that is my goal but it does make you feel good about yourself and want to help others.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

True Way into the Kingdom

Matt. 7:21-23

21. Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my father in heaven.
22. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
23. And then will I profes unto them, I never knew you; depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

In verse 21 it tell us the true way into the kingdom of heaven, "He that doeth the will of my father in heaven". Jesus gave us an example of exactly that in Luke 22:42. Jesus is in the Garden of Gethsemane praying, "Saying, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done." WOW! He is about to be arrested and crusified for doing nothing wrong and yet he still says, "not my will but thine be done." Are we better than Jesus Christ himself that we shouldn't be saying the same thing, "Not my will Lord, but thine be done". There are a lot of people out there proclaiming to be Christians yet not actually doing the will of the Father. What is the will of the father? We are all disciples of Jesus. He told his disciples to go into all the world preaching and teaching the gospel. So, if we are called disciples then shouldn't we be out in the world preaching and teaching the gospel? OUCH! I think I just stepped on my own toes there. :o) I also think the will of the Father is different for each individual person. He has given you talents and gifts but we need to ask what He would want us to do with them. You should pray asking God to show you His will, His plan for your life. You also need to have a personal relationship with Jesus. How do you do that? By reading His word every day, bye praying without ceasing, by remembrance. Remember where you were and how He brought you out. Be sensitive to the spirit. He is your comforter in times of trouble. He will guide you into all truths. You need that personal relationship along with doing the will of the Father which is in heaven or one day you might just hear, "I never knew you; depart from me, ye that work iniquity."

Monday, October 09, 2006

Pearl of Great Price

Matt. 13:45 & 46 says:
45. Again, the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a merchant man, seeking goodly pearls.
46. Who, when he had found one pearl of great price sold all that he had, and bought it.

A merchant man, buyer, he is looking for the best pearl. We are like that merchant man looking for the best. The best being Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven. The buyer or merchant found the pearl he was looking for but it cost a great deal. He had to sell all that he had in order to get it. To get to the Kingdom of Heaven we must also sell all that we have. In verse 46 it says "and bought it". That tells me right there that he didn't hesitate. He did what was necessary to get it. He found what he wanted and it didn't matter the cost. We today have found the goodly pearl. It has a great price. We must sell all that we have to get it. I am not talking about selling all your worldly possessions. The only way to get there is by selling out. We hear preachers saying that all the time. But it has never hit so close to home for me before till now. Don't go out and sell your car, your house, your furniture things like that. I am talking about you. Your mind, Your body, heart, soul, strength, family, finances all of it, give it to God. My pastor was talking about idols yesterday and how they are dead. Once you strip away the gold or silver or precious gems that it has been adorned with you have nothing but death. You need the True Living God in your life to help you through your times of trouble. When you completely sell out to God there is no limit to what God can do with you and through you. You could heal the sick, raise the dead, cause the blind to see, the lame could walk again. Praise the Lord! God help me to completely sell out to you. Not so that people will look up to me but they will look to You and You Alone. My challenge for you today is if you are not completely sold out to God but you want to be just say this prayer with me.

"Heavenly Father, I thank you for being who you are. For dying on that old rugged cross for me. Lord right now I give you my all. My family, finances, my heart, mind, my soul, and all my strength, all that I am and ever will be. I give it all to you for you to use to further your kingdom. To reach the lost and hurting. Lord I want to be your willing vessel. Here's my cup Lord, fill it up and make me whole. In Jesus name I pray. AMEN."

This is the day that the Lord has made. Rejoice and be glad in it. :o)

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Falling Short

I never realized how easy it was to fall short. The bible says that all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. I read that and I know what it means but to actually have it apply to you is one thing. I never really thought about that verse as a sinner but when I became a Christian that verse really stuck out with me. I never really realized how far away from God I was. I look back now and it amazes me that the creator of this world would die for me. He didn't just die for me but for all. The homeless man that lives under the downtown bridge, the snotty little kid that lives just a couple of doors down, even the neighbor that you think is really nosy but is just wanting a friend. I have fallen short. I have not tried to reach out to these people. Even today I reminded my kids that they weren't allowed to play with this one kid from down the road because I felt he was a bad influence on them. But I am thinking to myself is that really what I should do. My children should be an even better influence on him. We are to live as the light of the world. As the song says "Hide it under a bushel . NO!" How many of us really Do hide it under a bushel. I don't want to be the one that hides her light anymore. I want the world to know just what God has done for me. I challenge you this day to not hide your light. Let it shine and let it shine so bright that someone will have to wear shades. :o)

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Something New

I titled this one something new because I really don't know what to call it. For several years God has placed in my heart the desire to work with kids, not just in an educational sense but more of a spiritual sense. Well, here lately I have this feeling like God is wanting me to do something else. I am not exactly sure what that is yet but I know that He will reveal it to me soon.

I just started working and have been witnessing to this lady at work. I didn't bring anything about church or my beliefs up. She asked me if I went to church and what I thought about a few things so I told her. And we have been talking about God things ever since. It was a wonderful feeling to be able to talk to her about my God. Then, this morning I went shopping at a local store and this little old lady was trying to find something but couldn't remember the name of what it was she was looking for. I was looking for windex and couldn't find it and found this other stuff called mean green glass and surface cleaner which happens to be what the little lady was talking about. She asked me how I knew what she was looking for and I told her that I didn't but God knew and He sends people right on time. She got all teary eyed and was amazed at how her day was going and thanked me for being honest with her. It was a great day for me.